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Ebor Saab Scottish Mystery Weekend May 2019

ebor saab scottish mystery weekend may 2019 1 20190529 190050204414 Ebor Saab members set off on Friday 10 May to make their separate ways to the assembly point at Gretna Green for what was billed as a Scottish Mystery Weekend, the mystery being only the organisers knew the itinerary. The mystery began to unfold on Saturday morning with a drive along gloriously empty roads under blue skies up into rural Scotland to visit the Kagyu Samye Ling Tibetan Temple at Eskdalemuir (nobody expected a visit the foothills of the Himalayas).

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South Yorkshire Saab

South Yorkshire Saab are no longer meeting.  If anyone would like to take up the baton in this part of the world please contact Elli Wilson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


North of Scotland

There is no formal Branch currently in operation (largely as a result of the sheer geographical spread of members across this area) and therefore no regular meetings.
Where possible, there is usually an  SOC 'presence' at gatherings across the region organised by other clubs, motor museums or advertised on web forums (principally UKSaabs).

The dates known so far for 2020 at which we aim to be represented are:

  • 26th Apr           FBHVC 'Drive It Day' 2020  - various local runs (I'll be attending the one organised by the Highland Classic Motor Club, Inverness)
  • 9th May            Inverness Classic Vehicle Show - on the streets of Inverness with Parade finale led by pipe band
  • 10th May         Grampian Transport Museum, Alford, Aberdeenshire - "How Many Left" event for 'nearly classic' vehicles with fewer than 500 examples on the road
  • 23rd May         Rotary Club of East Sutherland Classic Car Tour, Dornoch
  • 11/12th Jul      46th Scottish Transport Extravaganza, Glamis Castle, Angus (see UKSaabs forum for details)
  • 9th Aug            Historic Wheels Vintage Car Rally, Brodie Castle, Morayshire
  • 31st Aug          Fortrose & Rosemarkie Classic Vehicle Rally, Fortrose, Ross-shire.
  • 6th Sept           Motor Mania, Grantown on Spey.
  • 19th Sept         'Wheels of Nairn', Nairn Links
  • Early Dec          Joint SOC/UKSaabs Christmas Gathering - date and venue TBC (see UKSaabs forum for details)


Should anyone wish to hook up with other Saab enthusiasts in the North of Scotland please contact:

Derek Darnell

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