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Ebor Saab - Ackworth Steam Fair
Sunday 19 July 2015, 10:00 - 17:00
Hits : 705
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Ebor Saab will be attending the Ackworth Steam Railway

Gates Open 10am-5pm Steam Engines, Commercials, Motorcycles, Military Vehicles. Old Time Fairground, Crafts & Modle Tents, Organs, Tractors. There’s a good range of Real Ales in the Steam Inn on site, and entertainment on Friday and Saturday nights, with a road run around the village for all exhibitors and public on Saturday evening. A wide range of different foods are available day and night alongside craft and model marquees, stalls, auto jumble and a fun fair and donkey rides, all adding to Ackworth Steam.

Location Water Tower Show Field, Ackworth, Nr. Pontefract, WF7 7ET
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