• Saab Parts UK launches “click to chat” facility on their website
• Customers are conveniently connected to friendly, knowledgeable UK based advisors
• Owners are provided with an instant response to their query
• Click to chat brings owners and Saab Parts closer together
Swedes have long since integrated IT into their modern lives, regularly topping country tables in terms of internet usage per head of population. Given the vast geography of the country, new technology is enabling people to keep in ever closer contact with their friends, family and favourite brands.
Like many leading companies in their field, Saab Parts UK has now introduced a “click to chat” facility for any UK owners visiting their website. Selected via a “pop up box” at the bottom right of the homepage, you are instantly connected to a courteous and knowledgeable advisor, based in the UK, who can help answer your query quickly and save you time navigating around the website.
Announcing the new initiative, David Leighton, Sales and Marketing Manager said “click to chat is a great new way of helping Saab owners in a convenient, time saving way. Sometimes navigating a web-site can be a frustrating experience, especially if you are only searching for one item of information. Through Saab’s ‘click to chat’ facility you are instantly connected to an advisor, who can help you answer your query on the spot, or shortly afterwards via a fully tracked follow-up.”
“In the first few days of going live, click to chat has already made a noticeable difference, resulting in a number of new service club members being registered, various service and repair bookings being confirmed, plus an extended vehicle warranty sale being completed”, continued David Leighton. “In providing “click to chat” we are helping add a personal dimension to our website, putting owners in live, direct contact with us, and reinforcing the continuity of Saab with quality aftersales care.”
To see the comprehensive range of Saab fixed price service and repairs or ask a question directly to Saab Parts at a convenient point to you simply visit the Saab Parts UK homepage .
For further information please contact:
Saab Parts UK
Unit 40, Innovation Centre
University Way
MK43 0TB
Tel: 01234 756800
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.