Welcome to the new SOC website. I hope you like the modern colourful look. The site will open up new opportunites for us and we should be able to provide a lot more content online in future.
We are still getting used to it so please bear with us. There may be teething problems and we know we haven't got everything right quite yet. It was an impossible task to manage both the old and new sites at the same time so we have jumped to the new site to allow us to concentrte on getting it right.
One of the main features of the site is that it is responsive. In laymans terms this means that it adapts to small screens like tablets and smartphones. This will undoubtedly bring problems where the screens look perfectly OK to some users but not to others. We already know, for example, that the Logo can interfere with the menu on some screen sizes.
Please note that members will have to use a new password. Please read the instructions in the login box carefully. To change your password to something more memorable for you go to the "Update your Profile" entry in the Member Zone menu. Feel free to correct any other details. Please note that the subscription history will not correctly show your subscriptions prior to this site goin glive. It may also not give the correct subscription expiry date. This will take us some time to co-ordinate.
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