How Membership Services use your data
Please read our Data Protection Statement here.
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Membership Distant Selling Terms and Conditions
These terms and conditions apply to Membership Applications. Separate Terms and conditions apply for the Club Shop. These are available on the Club Shop page.
All correspondance should be addressed to The Membership Team, SOC Membership Services, c/o HMCA, Beech Hall, Knaresborough, Yorkshire.HG5 0EA.
The telephone number is 0113 257 7180 or you can email the Membership Secretary. This location is not open to callers so please send all enquiries & orders to the PO Box above.
The club is intended for members in the UK and all prices are expressed in Pounds Sterling, which is the only currency that the club will accept as payment. All prices include VAT. The Club may alter advertised or quoted prices at any time prior to the acceptance of a Membership Application. The cost of Membership may alter for subsequent periods.
Payment must be made by a cheque drawn on a UK bank or by a credit card acceptable to the Club (Current MasterCard, Visa, Visa Delta & Switch). Subsequent payments at Membership Renewal may be made by Direct Debit. The Membership period will commence immediately a valid request is received by the Club, subject to final clearance by the Club's bankers of any moneys due to the Club as Membership Fees or for any reason whatsoever.
Members may cancel their Membership within seven working days of the commencement of their Membership period, in which case the Membership Card(s) and all merchandise supplied by the Club by virtue of Membership (including magazines, handbooks etc.) must be returned in the condition in which they were supplied. The full cover or list price of any such merchandise not returned or returned in unsatisfactory condition will be deducted from any refund to be made.
Nothing in the foregoing limits the right of the Board of the Club to refuse, limit, curtail, or revoke the Membership of any Member or Applicant for Membership as provided for by the club's Memorandum & Articles of Association.
All carriage charges for returns are the responsibility of the Member or Applicant for Membership. UK law will be the applicable law for all issues relating to Membership of and transactions with the Club.